…Congratulations! Last week one of your leg braces failed me. I say congratulations because I have been abusing the braces you made me for years and they have performed magnificently. These braces have performed so well and so reliably I stopped considering the brace a limiting factor in physical activities. That was not always the case for me. Prior to getting these braces from Rothschild’s I never had a pair of braces last more than six months…

Standard NFO
Click here to see our NFO Commercial
Click here to see patients walking with NFO
The NFO is a dynamic brace allowing normal ankle and knee articulation while preventing drop foot. Early on, we began providing the NFO to patients who had worn traditional leg braces and quickly noted an overwhelming acceptance and favorable response. Comments included: “It’s lighter, easier to walk with and takes up less space in my shoe,” and “I can walk step over step,” and “It’s lighter and does a better job of clearing my toe.”

Available in Black, White Or Flesh Tone
The Rothschild’s staff attributes the positive reaction to the brace’s unique, patented configuration. Having the plastic strut originate and exit the shoe in the arch area eliminates the heel cup present in most leg braces and thus takes up less space in shoes. The ability to control the strategic placement and thickness of the strut allows us to control dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the ankle/foot without the use of metal joints. The flexibility of the brace allows normal heel strike, foot flat, and toe off-and therefore a more natural gait pattern. The choice of co-polymer plastic assures long service without cracking, and excellent memory capability.
The brace can also be designed to provide ankle support. Placing the strut medially or laterally will stabilize an unsteady ankle that “rolls outward or inward”, otherwise known as equinovalgus/equinovarus.
The brace has proven to be dynamic, light weight, durable, and cosmetically superior. It incurs less shoe fitting problems, and most critically it controls foot drop while allowing flexibility and articulation.
We also have the ability to incorporate the NFO into our KAFO’s (long leg braces).